
Practically every person on our planet at least once in their life has heard of a lottery or lotto. Exactly, the very same lotto where by selecting a certain number of numbers a person can win fabulous prizes while spending a minimum of effort and time. For the first time the lottery appeared in the 16th century in a town called Genoa - Italy. The game immediately gained popularity, which every year and to this day is only increasing. This game is practiced in many countries and has a huge audience among people of different ages, which was one of the many reasons why our team has chosen this direction as one of the initial steps in its Ecosystem.

The main application of Lotto in the Wynn Games Ecosystem

Using the Lotto concept, the Wynn Games team plans to develop an independent algorithm that allows any willing ecosystem participant to receive game items in each of our projects. In order to receive a prize, a participant simply needs to select any numbers they think are winning and confirm their choice. At the end of the draw the winning numbers will be announced on our ecosystem site and the prizes will be instantly credited to the participants' balance.

Additional benefits for Wynn Lotto and Wynn Rust participants

With Wynn Lotto our ecosystem participant can get a head start on the games being developed by the Wynn Games team. One of the first and main projects that our lotto will support is Wynn Rust, which means that the advantage from the start for players who win in Lotto will be tangible, and in the future such players will start their game without any problems.

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